Career Transition Coaching: Your Ultimate Guide To Navigating Career Changes


Does the sight of that word send chills down your spine?

Do you find yourself thinking about Monday just about….

Every day?

You’ve spent.




Just trying to make a career transition on your own but you keep coming up empty.

I have something to tell you.  You probably think it’s your fault.


It mUTost likely isn’t your fault.  The job market is extremely difficult to navigate no matter what year it is.

The good news is, in this article, we’re going to go through.

What is Career Transition Coaching

Signs That You Need Career Transition Coaching

Qualities of a Good Career Transition Coach

Where to Find a Career Transition Coach

Okay let’s get into it….

What is Career Transition Coaching?

I want to explain what Career Transition Coaching is in the simplest way possible, without saying Career Transitioning too many times (like I would if a teacher asked me to define something I didn’t know the definition for…just repeat the words over and over.)


Career Transition Coaching is like having a helpful guide when you're changing what you want to do for a job.

a.       They help you figure out what you're good at, make a plan for your new job path, and give you tips to find the right job. It's like having a coach to help you when you're switching from one type of work to another.


When Would You Need Career Transition Coaching?

There are four situations that are the most common times when someone would (and should) seek out a Career Transition Coach

1.     Changing Industries:

You’veen an accountant for 10 years and you’ve hated every day of it.  You’re looking to finally follow your dreams and become a teacher.

Doesn’t seem too difficult right?  Your friends support you and you’ve watched a couple of YouTube videos on how to make the transition, so you go for it.

The only problem is, there are a number of steps to take before you start interviewing for teaching jobs.  It would be a good idea in a case like this to seek out a Career Transition Coach.  They will be able to help you with the little things and big things that go into making the change.

2.     Returning to Work:

You are a mom who’s stayed at home to raise your kids and you’ve watched them grow up and leave the house.  Now you finally feel comfortable getting back into the working world to pursue your dreams.

The problem is, the last time you had a job, Ronald Reagan was in office and the last job you had was 30 years ago working at Blockbuster.  You want to finally become the Marketing Manager you always dreamed you would be, but you feel like you have a long road ahead of you.

In a case like this, a Career Transition Coach can help you by guiding you through the process of gaining the skills and experiences you’ll need to be able to get the job you want.

3.     Late-Career Pivot:

This one is similar to the change in industry, but this time you are a Lawyer for the past 30 years and decide you want to become a Yoga Instructor after turning 60 and contemplating life.

The problem here is that most of your knowledge and professional experiences are in the law world and you don’t know how to become a Yoga Instructor, but you’ve had a passion for Yoga since college.

A Career Transition Coach can give you the confidence you need to make the change and guide you along the way.

4.     Job Loss or Downsizing:

You’ve lost your job unexpectedly, now what?

This is definitely the hardest scenario out of the 4 reasons you’d need a Career Transition Coach because this time, there is pressure.

There’s a time crunch to find a new job because you need to pay the bills which causes desperation.  Desperation is not usually a good thing so this puts pressure on you as well as your coach to speed up a process that can take months to even a year.

What Are the Qualities of a Good Career Transition Coach?

You read through the situations and realize you do need a Career Transition Coach....

Now what?

Well, it would probably be a good idea to figure out what makes a good Career Transition Coach so you can find one with those qualities.

1.       Expertise:

Now before you just start Googling people with 30 years of experience or more, expertise comes in a few different forms.

a.      Expertise in the Career Coaching and Career Development Fields: It’s a good idea to go for someone who’s actually helped someone make a career transition…. better yet, multiple people. 

They don’t have to have 50 years of experience, but they should have some sort of a track record and knowledge of the field of career development.

b.      Industry Expertise: Having a ton of experience in career development is great, but what’s better than that is having expertise in the industry or industries you’re looking to transition into.  Don’t underestimate how important this is.

2.       Empathy and Support:

Unfortunately, not all Career Transition Coaches are in it for the right reasons.  As with any industry, there are some bad apples.  These people might tell you they have a “system” that they use for all of their clients.  They’ll send you their “system” (for a pretty penny of course) and you’ll never hear from them again.

You need to make sure your coach is someone who is going to be with you every step of the way. You shouldn’t have to pay every time they check in with you or feel like your relationship is transactional.  This person should truly feel like a coach (after all, it’s in the job title).

3.       Communication Skills:

Clear communication is key. A good coach can explain complex concepts in simple terms, ask thoughtful questions to understand clients' needs, and offer guidance in a way that's easy to understand.

4.       Customization:

Like I said before, if someone is offering you a “system” or a booklet to follow, run the other way.

No two coaching clients are the same…not even twins. 

Your Career Transition Coach should have a custom plan to meet your needs.  This doesn’t mean though that they shouldn’t have a plan.

Workbooks, guides, a clear roadmap of your journey are essential tools that a good coach should have.

5.       Motivation and Accountability: A good coach motivates their clients to take action by setting clear goals, creating action plans, and providing regular check-ins. They hold clients accountable for their commitments, helping them stay on track.

Where To Find a Career Transition Coach?

To recap, we’ve learned:

What Career Transition Coaching Is….

When You May Need Career Transition Coaching…

The Qualities of a Good Career Transition Coach…

If you’ve read this far, it means you’re looking for the right coach.  Not to be biased, but if you’re looking for a Career Transition Coach, you are in the right place.

For absolutely NO CHARGE you can book an ABSOLUTELY FREE call with one of our talented coaches by clicking here to see if Your Career Strategy is the right choice for you.


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