Career Transition Coaching

It’s 4:45 p.m. on a Tuesday. You glance at the spreadsheet you've been staring at for two hours, then at the clock; 4:46 p.m. Only 14 more minutes until you can log off, shut down the computer, and finally spend some time with your loved ones.

Does this sound all too familiar? If so, you're not alone.

Millions of professionals feel trapped in their jobs, dreaming of a change but unsure where to start. They hope things will improve on their own, but deep down, they know it's time for a change.

Discover Purpose and Meaning in Your Work

Do you feel a sense of purpose in your current role? Does your work feel meaningful? If you answered “no” to either of these questions, it might be time to re-evaluate your career path.

You might think, “I’m stuck and have no idea where to start.” The good news is, you've come to the right place. It's normal to feel fear, anxiety, and stress when contemplating a career change. At Your Career Strategy, we understand these feelings and have the tools to transform them into happiness and relief.

Why Choose Career Transition Coaching?

Personalized Guidance: We offer tailored advice and strategies to help you identify and pursue your ideal career.

Expert Support: Our experienced coaches understand the challenges of career transitions and provide compassionate, practical support.

Proven Strategies: We use evidence-based techniques to help you navigate your career change confidently and effectively.

It's Never Too Late to Make a Change

Whether you're a 35-year-old parent seeking a better work-life balance or a 60-year-old looking to end your career doing something you love, Your Career Strategy can guide you to a fulfilling career.

Imagine feeling excited about your work and looking forward to each day. With our Career Transition Coaching, this can be your reality.

Take the First Step Today

Don't wait for things to get better on their own. Take control of your career and start your journey towards a more fulfilling life. Your Career Strategy is here to help you every step of the way.

Reach out to us today and discover how our Career Transition Coaching can change your life for the better.

Program Overview

Program Offerings

If you’ve never had career coaching services before, you may be wondering what exactly it consists of.  It might even sound intimidating.  If you work with Your Career Strategy, you’ll be working with a coach who wants to see you succeed.  Here’s just some of what you’ll get:

  • Nine Career Coaching Sessions (Three 90-minute and Six 60-minute sessions)

These sessions are packaged together to ensure you remain focused on your goal of improving your current career path.  Throughout these sessions, we work with you to get an understanding of how to best coach you to reach your fullest potential.  Our coaches undergo a rigorous training program to ensure that they are fully equipped to help you with any scenario you may bring to them.

  • Deep self-reflection and self-actualization assessments

One of the most important aspects of our career coaching strategy is focusing on helping you to evaluate yourself from the inside out.  Far too often, this step, which is arguably the most important, is skipped during the process of trying to change careers.  We guide you in taking a step back and looking at what’s inside of you.

  • Analyzing the markets to determine areas that best suits your background

If you’re fearful of the current economy and the uncertainty of the job market, we’re here to help.  We work closely with you to determine industries that best fit with your skill set.  We also understand that making a career transition has a lot of moving parts including salary needs and cost of living standards just to name a few.  We want to make sure you make the right choice and find an industry that satisfies all your needs.

  • Taking inventory of skills acquired over your working life to determine transitional skills

You may not realize it, but the skills and experiences that you’ve developed over your career aren’t just specific to what you’re currently doing.  We evaluate your transferable skills and experiences to see what will be the best to get you to where you want to be.  Having detailed conversations and pushing you to evaluate yourself is our way to unlock your potential.

Your Career Strategy coaches customize each session to fit your specific needs.  We develop a relationship with you to understand your core values and what motivates you.  Our team of empathetic Career Coaches genuinely care about you and how to guide you on the path towards happiness.

Imagine, waking up every day doing something you enjoy, especially after spending too many years of your life in a place you don’t want to be.  It will improve your relationships, how you treat the people in your life, and help you to find an inner peace that you haven’t had in years.

So, what are you waiting for?  Book a discovery call now to see what our Career Coaching is all about and take that first step to a new beginning and a brighter tomorrow.

What Our Clients Say

Brandon was in a toxic work environment and caught up in a pattern within his career that required immediate change. He doubled down on this coaching program, followed the regimen and within 4 months he was able to make a meaningful career transition for higher comp, a healthier work environment, and a clear path to his career progression.