Empower your high school student to clarify their future.

Students from our past programs received acceptances to many of the Top 50 US News & World Report Colleges and full-ride funding from competitive scholarships like Questbridge’s National College Match.

From all of us at YCS, we wish you continued success as you begin the next chapter with clarity regarding the lives you will create!





NYU Stern

Johns Hopkins

University of Chicago




UC Berkeley



Washington & Lee

University of Texas


Texas A&M

Stanford • Princeton • UPenn • NYU Stern • Johns Hopkins • University of Chicago • Northwestern • Duke • UCLA • UC Berkeley • Vanderbilt • USC • Washington & Lee • University of Texas • Fordham • Texas A&M •


  • "Trust me, show up. The YCS Workshop Series honestly brought me so much relief that I had people who were willing to help me navigate through the workplace landscape."

    Haithem S.

  • "I am a child of two immigrants who just set down their roots in America. This means that I didn’t find a network of people who could give me good advice on careers. But, after I found the YCS Workshop Series, my life changed. I was given the tools and resources to not just get jobs but to network and improve my values."

    Sanjeevkumar V.

  • "This is a lifetime opportunity for anyone who is looking to grow academically and professionally it helped me grow and expand my knowledge in my future career and life in general."

    Jonnathan C.



Our curriculum fosters comprehensive learning, skill development, and personal growth unlike anything else. Fill out the form below to speak to us so we can learn more about you and your student and assess whether our program is the right fit for you.


A 6-week inquiry-based, experiential live e-learning program designed for high school students seeking clarity and a better understanding of their intrinsic motivators: strengths, values, and interests. Led by a team of expert careers coaches, students will collaborate and strategize with like-minded peers, learn how to meet industry leaders, and begin ideating and working on projects that will give them a competitive edge as they embark on the next step of their educational and career journeys.

If your high school student is looking to gain more clarity as they determine where they’d like to take the next phase of their learning journey post-graduation, fill out this form to join the waitlist and be the first to receive an update for when our application process officially opens.

There are limited seats for our learning pods and we will be accepting 4-6 students per cohort. Express your interest now!

We cannot wait to meet you and your student and kick off this life-changing experience together!

Next Steps

Complete The Interest Form


  • Define work and routines, and develop good habits

  • Identify & articulate ideal work environments

  • Learn to build relationships

  • Optimize marketing materials

  • Identify dependable strengths

  • Create a vision for short and long-term goals

  • Craft a personal story that shows professional value

  • Learn to create lasting success


  • Participants will discover insights and skills to make informed decisions about their future career, fostering a sense of purpose and direction.

  • Participants will gain a clear understanding of their strengths, interests, and goals, laying a solid foundation for a purposeful and successful future career path.

  • Participants will enhance their feedback and communication skills, leveraging valuable tools to express themselves effectively, and fostering confidence and competence in personal and professional interactions.

  • Participants will develop a profound understanding of their strengths, paving the way for informed decisions, increased self-awareness, and a confident approach to building a successful future career.

  • Participants will craft a personalized portfolio plan: equipping them with a roadmap to showcase their skills, achievements, and aspirations, and empower them with a strategic advantage ultimately enhancing their appeal to future educational and career opportunities.

  • Equip participants with a personalized Career Strategy & Action Plan and essential tools (including Resume, Cover Letter, LinkedIn profile, and Targeted Pitch) to navigate their professional journey with purpose, confidence, and a proactive approach toward achieving their long-term goals.



  • A globally-renowned career coach and group facilitator, Eli has developed and delivered 300-level career development collegiate courses for 1000s of students. After navigating 5 successful career transitions from management consulting, business development, start-ups, and higher education, Eli’s spent the last 10 years supporting 5K+ individuals across 90 countries with purposeful career and life transitions of their own. He is the Founder and Head Coach at Your Career Strategy.

  • For over three decades Sharahn has worked with thousands of students & clients in the tech & education industries to craft their personal narratives and activate strategies that positively impact their career development goals. Her prowess as a recognized performing artist fuels the competitive edge and artist’s empathy that she brings to her work as an educator, a coach, and a facilitator. She is a Career Coach and Director of Learning & Development at YCS.

✺ FAQs ✺

  • A student can expect an average time commitment of 5 hours per week over 6 weeks to get the most out of the program. Each coaching pod will run for 6 back-to-back weeks with 90 minutes of group-based learning, 30 minutes of office hours, and about 3 additional hours of independent growth work between sessions each week.

  • Your high schooler will be matched with a group of 4-6 other peers, who were all interviewed, vetted, and selected to be admitted into our selective programs. Each cohort will be led by one of our trained career coaches, who will be in charge of facilitating their comprehensive and interactive learning experience.

  • For the same price as a single credit hour from a Top 50 University OR the cost of a high-quality live SAT Prep Course, your high schooler will be able to receive programming that, up until now, hasn’t been available. Typically, parents can expect to invest around $1,800 for their student’s attendance in the program, but for the remainder of 2024, we are offering a discount for a total program cost of $888.00 per student. A limited number of scholarships are offered for students and families with financial limitations, so if you need help please ask.

  • 73% of students graduate from college and end up not working in an area related to their degree programs. Most of us know someone whose student changed majors and has taken out more debt or exceeded their allocated education budget to take more credits and stay 5+ years for that new major degree. The clarity your high schooler will gain in our programs will help to alleviate the additional costs and headaches associated with floundering between discipline selection and career decision-making. The cost-benefit is in the 10s of thousands of dollars.

  • Because we genuinely care and the results speak for themselves! Our goal is to help your student understand themself from the inside out and give them the tools they need to select options to upskill for their future careers in a way that will keep them feeling motivated and energized throughout their entire career journey. There is a major gap in access to effective career education and we are here to fill that gap. We also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee in our terms of service: yourcareerstrategy.com/tos

  • Think of our programs as a personalized micro-school for your learner. We will work with each learning pod community to find a 6-week timeframe that works best with the group’s schedule. Cancellations and attendance conflicts are addressed in our terms of service.