12 Flexible Jobs for Parents: Achieving Work-Life Balance and Quality Family Time

Long hours away from your kids.  Making sure you have childcare covered from 8am to 6pm.  Quick dinners, homework, bedtime.  Rinse and repeat.

Does this sound like a typical weekday in your house?  You’re not alone.  Now more than ever, both parents are working to support their families which often causes an impossible balancing act each day.

Are you looking for a way out of the daily grind, the ability to spend more time with your family and less time with Martha in Accounting?

You’ve come to the right place, because your friends here at Your Career Strategy want to help you get out of the rat race and into a career that’s more flexible for your life as a parent. 

Want to be able to make those after school baseball games without having to pretend you had to take your dog to the vet for the 10th time in a month.  Or maybe you want to actually be able to cook dinner at dinner time rather than 9 at night.

We’ve put together a list of flexible jobs that are great for parents for you to consider transitioning to so you can actually be a working parent and maybe even have some time for yourself (okay let’s not get too crazy).

It’s also important to note that these jobs don’t require a college degree, so if you’re transitioning from something else, you won’t need to go back to school for a 4-year degree.

First let’s lay out what a flexible job is.

What Are the Characteristics of a Flexible Job?

1. Adaptability in work arrangements: A flexible job allows parents to adjust their work arrangements to accommodate personal needs, such as flexible work hours, remote work options, or alternative work schedules.

2. Work-life balance: Flexible jobs prioritize the balance between work and personal life, giving parents the ability to allocate time and energy to life outside of work.

3. Control over schedule: Flexible jobs offer parents greater control over their work schedules, allowing them to determine when and where they work.

4. Customization of job duties: Flexible jobs may allow parents to tailor their job duties and responsibilities to align with their skills, interests, and professional goals, offering a more personalized and fulfilling work experience.

5. Supportive leave policies: Flexible jobs often include generous leave policies, such as parental leave, sabbaticals, and personal days, enabling parents to take time off when needed without undue stress or negative consequences.

What You Need to Know About This List

-          Not all of the jobs on the list meet all 5 of the flexible job characteristics, but most are pretty damn close.

-          Salaries are AVERAGE and the numbers can go way higher (or lower) depending on the skill level and effort.

-          Even though these jobs don’t require a college degree, they will require some level of experience or training, so there is a little barrier to entry.

Okay, now let’s get into it.

Flexible Jobs for Parents That Don’t Require a college, Degree.

1.     Personal Trainer

Average Salary: $42,980 per year

Requirements: You’ll need to be certified and most importantly have a love for the Health and Wellness industry.

Great for Parents: Personal trainers don’t work the traditional 9 to 5 Monday through Friday.  Have you ever had a personal training session at 11am on a random Tuesday?  Neither do most working people.  You work early in the mornings or evenings so you can be around to bringing kids to and from school and make it to those after school practices and games.

Skills Needed: A deep knowledge of fitness, the ability to train and motivate all types of people.

2.     Freelance Writer

Average Salary: Varies (based on assignments)

Requirements: You need to be a strong writer and have the ability to quickly understand new subject matter.

Great for Parents: This is the perfect role for parents because not only can you make your own hours, but you can most likely work remotely.  It’s the perfect hours and perfect location, if only the money could be perfect.  It’s very difficult to make a steady, reliable income doing this, but if you’re good, it can work out.

Skills Needed: Top notch writing skills, the ability to research and Search Engine Optimization is pretty important too.

3.     Photographer

Average Salary: $38,570 per year

Requirements: The ability to take great photographs and a strong portfolio of your work to go with it.

Great for Parents: Photographers are able to schedule photo sessions during times that work best for them, and if they are working events, those are usually at night and on the weekends.

Skills Needed: Proficiency in photography techniques, creativity, attention to detail, and good interpersonal skills.

4.     Floral Designer

Average Salary: $30,830 per year

Requirements: Creativity in floral arrangements and knowledge of different types of flowers.

Great for Parents: Floral designers are able to work at either a flower shop or can create space at home which allows for flexibility during the day.  As long as deadlines are met, the hours can fit in with busy parent schedules.

Skills Needed: Creativity, knowledge of floral design techniques, good customer service skills, and attention to detail.

5.     Veterinary Assistant

Average Salary: $29,080 per year

Requirements: You’ll need to get training or a certification

Great for Parents: Veterinary assistants often have flexibility because they can choose to work evenings or part-time.

Skills Needed: Basic animal care knowledge, good communication skills, compassion for animals, and the ability to assist with various veterinary procedures.

6.     Makeup Artist

Average Salary: $38,970 per year

Requirements: Training or certification in makeup artistry.

Great for Parents: Makeup artists can have flexible schedules based around client needs.  Most of the time, evenings and weekends make up a large chunk of the hours, allowing for a lot of freedom during the week.

Skills Needed: Knowledge of makeup techniques, creativity, good interpersonal skills, and the ability to work with different clients.

7.     Childcare Provider

Average Salary: $25,460 per year

Requirements: Certification in early childhood education or relevant experience.

Great for Parents: Childcare providers such as nannies can base the hours, they are willing to work around their own schedules.

Skills Needed: Patience, understanding of child development, good communication skills, and the ability to create a safe and nurturing environment.

8.     Fitness Instructor

Average Salary: $44,490 per year

Requirements: Certification in a specific fitness discipline (e.g., yoga, Zumba, aerobics).

Great for Parents: Fitness instructors like Personal Trainers could set their own schedule and have specific times their classes will run.

Skills Needed: Expertise in a fitness discipline, good communication skills, and the ability to motivate and guide participants.

9.     Event Coordinator

Average Salary: $51,560 per year

Requirements: Strong organizational and communication skills.

Great for Parents: Event coordinators often choose when and where they will be working, which allows for flexibility in days and hours.

Skills Needed: Organizational abilities, attention to detail, multitasking skills, and good communication and negotiation skills.

10.Dog Walker/Pet Sitter

Average Salary: $32,540 per year

Requirements: Love and understanding of animals and a list of referrals

Great for Parents: This one is a favorite of mine.  Walking dogs and tending to pets is perfect for picking your own schedule.  As long as the animals are taken care of, and your customers are happy, that’s all that matters.

Skills Needed: Knowledge of animal behavior, responsibility, good interpersonal skills, and the ability to handle different types of pets. 

11.Home Organizer

Average Salary: $41,460 per year

Requirements: Strong organizational skills and the ability to declutter and create functional spaces.

Great for Parents: Home organizers have the flexibility to schedule their appointments and work directly with clients, allowing parents to manage their time and be available for their children.

Skills Needed: Organization skills, attention to detail, good communication skills, and the ability to create practical and aesthetically pleasing living spaces.

12.Virtual Assistant

Average Salary: $43,190 per year

Requirements: Proficiency in administrative tasks, good communication skills, and computer literacy.

Great for Parents: Virtual assistants can work remotely and often have flexible hours, enabling parents to work from home and manage their family responsibilities.

Skills Needed: Organization, time management, computer proficiency, communication skills, and the ability to handle various administrative tasks.

Final Thoughts

Flexibility in a job could be the most important thing if you’re a parent.  Being able to spend time raising your children while also having a meaningful career provides parents with a much-needed life balance.

If any of these jobs spark your interest, our talented Career Coaches at Your Career Strategy can help talk you through your next move.


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