11 Career Paths for Extroverts That Don’t Require A College Degree And Have Great Salaries

Do you love being the center of attention in every room you walk into?  Do you actually love public speaking and even volunteer to go first if you have the choice? 

You may have a condition called being extroverted.  Okay, it’s not a condition, it’s a good thing actually, as long as you’re not obnoxious about it like yelling at people walking down the street just because you can.

Before we get into the nitty gritty of the article, let’s take a second to define what an extrovert actually is so we know what we’re dealing with.

What is An Extrovert?

The dictionary defines an extrovert as an outgoing, gregarious person who thrives in social situations and derives energy from interacting with others.

If you love talking on the phone (especially in this day and age) you probably are an extrovert.  But that’s not the only characteristic of an extrovert, let’s take a look at some to make sure you really know whether or not you are an extrovert.

What Are the Characteristics of An Extrovert?

-          Outgoing and socially oriented

-          Energetic and enthusiastic

-          Thrives in group settings and enjoys being around people.

-          Talkative and enjoys engaging in conversations.

-          Expressive and animated in their communication.

-          Enjoys being the center of attention.

-          Comfortable with public speaking or performing.

If you’ve read this far and realized that this maybe, isn’t you and you’re more of an introvert, no worries, we have you covered.  Click here to read about career paths for an introvert.

If this does sound like you then keep reading, because you’re going to get great information on career paths, especially if you haven’t gone to college.

Careers For Extroverts That Don’t Require a college Degree.

*Just a note on this list, these salaries are the AVERAGE salaries for these careers.  Some of these salaries can be much higher depending on the number of hours you work.

1. Sales Representative

Average Salary: $58,510 per year

Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent

Why It's Good for Extroverts: Have you ever met a quiet salesperson? Neither have I.  This job involves talking to hundreds of people daily, forming relationships and putting yourself out there without fearing rejections. 

Skills Needed for Success: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, persuasive abilities, customer service orientation, self-motivation.

2. Real Estate Agent

Average Salary: $62,830 per year

Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent; completion of a real estate training course

Why It's Good for Extroverts: Like Sales Representatives, Real Estate Agents are constantly talking with people, from generating leads for new clients to closing deals.  This role also involves hosting open houses with large groups of people and numerous hours of phone conversations.

Skills Needed for Success: Strong communication and interpersonal skills, negotiation abilities, knowledge of the local real estate market, self-confidence.

3. Event Planner 3

Average Salary: $50,600 per year

Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent; certification in event planning may be preferred.

Why It's Good for Extroverts: Event planners are mostly always in social settings whether it’s meeting with clients to plan events or working the events they’ve planned.

Skills Needed for Success: Strong organizational and multitasking abilities, attention to detail, negotiation and networking skills, creativity, ability to handle high-pressure situations.

4. Flight Attendant

Average Salary: $56,640 per year

Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent; completion of flight attendant training program

Why It's Good for Extroverts: Flight attendants interact with passengers from the second they step on the plane.  They have to have the outgoing personality to make everyone feel comfortable on the plane, whether there are screaming babies or adult babies complaining about overhead luggage space even though they boarded last and should expect to not have overhead space.  (Okay that one hit close to home).

Skills Needed for Success: Excellent communication and customer service skills, ability to remain calm in emergencies, flexibility, cultural awareness, physical stamina.

5. Retail Store Manager

Average Salary: $48,533 per year

Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent; relevant retail experience

Why It's Good for Extroverts: Retail Store Managers are interacting with difficult customers and trying to be sure they leave happy.  They also provide training for new employees and are usually always working with a large number of people on a daily basis.

Skills Needed for Success: Strong leadership and communication skills, customer service orientation, problem-solving abilities, organizational skills.

6. Hotel Manager

Average Salary: $56,810 per year

Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent; relevant experience in the hospitality industry

Why It's Good for Extroverts: Similar to Retail Store Managers, Hotel Managers are always interacting with guests and overseeing their staff.  They’ll be able to handle difficult situations each day and work with a team to ensure the hotel is running efficiently.

Skills Needed for Success: Strong leadership and communication skills, customer service orientation, organizational and time management abilities, problem-solving skills.

7. Bartender

Average Salary: $26,780 per year (plus tips)

Minimum Qualifications: Varies by location; completion of bartender training program may be required.

Why It's Good for Extroverts: Bartenders make their money by talking to customers.  Based on how friendly they are, how quickly and efficiently they can handle drink orders, they can make a lot of money.  This job literally pays to be an extrovert.

Skills Needed for Success: Strong communication and interpersonal skills, knowledge of drink recipes and mixology, multitasking abilities, customer service orientation.

8. Fitness Instructor

Average Salary: $45,110 per year

Minimum Qualifications: Certification in fitness instruction or relevant field

Why It's Good for Extroverts: Fitness instructors lead group classes, motivating clients and meeting new people all the time.  Based on how well they connect with clients, they can make a nice living for themselves if they have a big personality and know their stuff.

Skills Needed for Success: Strong communication and motivational skills, knowledge of fitness techniques and safety precautions, ability to plan and lead classes effectively.

9. Public Relations Specialist

Average Salary: $63,000 per year

Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent; relevant experience or coursework in public relations

Why It's Good for Extroverts: Public relations specialists interact with a variety of people ranging from business owners to members of the media and potentially even celebrities.  You have to be extremely comfortable talking to everyone.

Skills Needed for Success: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, writing abilities, problem-solving skills, creativity, knowledge of media platforms and strategies.


10. Restaurant Manager

Average Salary: $54,240 per year

Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent; relevant experience in the restaurant industry

Why It's Good for Extroverts: When I was younger, my mom would frequently ask for the manager at a restaurant when the food or service was bad (which happened to be a lot).  If the manager was friendly and personable and was able to understand the issue, we’d leave happy, if not we most likely wouldn’t go back.  Moral of the story is Restaurant managers need to be comfortable interacting with customers and making them happy.

Skills Needed for Success: Strong leadership and communication skills, customer service orientation, organizational and problem-solving abilities, multitasking skills.


11. Insurance Sales Agent

Average Salary: $52,180 per year

Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent; completion of insurance licensing requirements

Why It's Good for Extroverts: Insurance sales agents spend a lot of time on the road visiting businesses and talking to customers and prospective customers.  They need to be able to communicate clearly and be able to understand clients’ needs.

Skills Needed for Success: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, ability to explain complex information clearly, sales and negotiation abilities, self-motivation.

Final Thoughts

If you’re an extrovert, you have an edge in the job market during the job search process and on the job, so use it to your advantage.

If you’ve spent your life comfortably and confidently when dealing with people, the sky is the limit when it comes to your career path and your salary.

If you feel you need some help getting you into the right career, don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Your Career Strategy. Remember, you can book a COMPLIMENTARY coaching session to see if we’re right for you.


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