How to Transition to a Job That Makes You Happy: 7 Actionable Steps

Ready to ditch the job you hate? Discover 7 actionable steps to transition to a career that makes you happy! From self-assessment to networking, we’ve got you covered. Start your journey to job satisfaction and find your dream job today.

Here’s a fact that you probably won’t like reading…

One day, you will die.

Each day, you get closer to that reality. 

So, my question to you is….

Why are you at a job that you hate?

Sure, you have to pay your bills.  Sure, you want to buy nice things.  But at what cost?  You only get one chance at life, so why are you spending somewhere you don’t want to be?

The good news is, there’s always time to change, and even better news, this article is going to help you leave the job you hate and find a job that makes you happy.


What you’ll get from this article:

·         7 actionable steps to help you transition jobs.

·         Jobs where people are the happiest

Before you keep reading, I should warn you that this might not be easy.  It’s going to take some work, and you’ll probably run into difficult times along the way.

Keep pushing through and don’t give up until you get to where you want to be.  You owe it to yourself.

7 Steps to help you transition to a job that makes you happy

Step #1: Self-Assessment and reflection:

Before you can make any sort of change, you need to do some reflecting.  I know, it’s probably the least fun part of this whole thing, but it has to be done.


It’s simple actually.  If you don’t know what you want and where you want to go, you won’t know how to get there.

Have you ever gotten in your car and just drove without having any idea of where you were going?

The answer to that question should hopefully be no.  No matter where you’re driving, you have a plan on where you’re going and how you’re getting there.

This should be the same with your career.

How to do a self-assessment:

1.       Write down things you like and don’t like about your current job/industry

2.       Write down your core values and what you look for in a job.

3.       Decide how important the following are to you: Money, work-life balance, family, work environment, co-workers.

4.       Take all of your answers from the previous steps and compile them together and use this to determine what types of jobs you should be looking for.

If you need help with a self-assessment and reflection, read this article about finding your career path.

Step #2: Set clear goals for yourself:

This is another thing most people don’t like doing (me included).

Do you know who sets goals though?  Successful people.  So, if you want to be successful, it’s a good idea to come up with a clear set of goals to help guide you on your way.

Here are two great articles that can help you set goals:

1.    The Relationship Between Short and Long Term Goals

2.       How Can Short Term Goals Lead to Accomplishing Long Term Goals

Want to know how to make goals:

1.       Make them specific.

2.       Make them measurable.

3.       Make them actionable.

4.       Make them relevant.

5.       Make them time-bound

*These are known as SMART goals.

Step #3: Research and explorer your options:

At one point in my life, when I was working in a job that I didn’t like, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I was going to do on the weekends.  I would spend hours and hours throughout the week coming up with plans, so I had something to look forward to.

If I had spent even half of that time researching other career options, I wouldn’t have been stuck at that job for as long as I was.

In today’s day and age, we have the world at our finger tips.  We can work all day and research career options all night without leaving the comfort of our homes.

We have an insane number of resources at our disposal.  The most important and game-changing?

Generative AI (Chat-GPT).

This one tool alone can be your resource to research potential career paths.

How to use AI to research career paths:

1. Identify Your Interests and Skills

Ask ChatGPT:

"What are some common career paths for someone interested in [your interest]?"

"What careers can I pursue with skills in [your skill]?"


"What are some common career paths for someone interested in environmental science?"

"What careers can I pursue with skills in data analysis?"

2. Explore Various Industries and Roles

Ask ChatGPT:

"Can you explain what a career in [industry] involves?"

"What are the typical roles available in the [industry]?"


"Can you explain what a career in digital marketing involves?"

"What are the typical roles available in the healthcare industry?"

3. Understand Required Qualifications and Skills

Ask ChatGPT:

"What qualifications and skills are needed for a job as a [specific role]?"

"How can I gain the necessary skills for a career in [desired field]?"


"What qualifications and skills are needed for a job as a project manager?"

"How can I gain the necessary skills for a career in cybersecurity?"

4. Seek Advice and Resources for Career Development

Ask ChatGPT:

"What are some good resources for learning about [career]?"

"Can you suggest ways to network and gain experience in [field]?"


"What are some good resources for learning about a career in UX design?"

"Can you suggest ways to network and gain experience in the finance industry?"

Step #4: Build new skills

If you’re looking to transition into a new job, you’re going to want to make sure your skills are up to par with other people in that industry.

How can you do this?

There’ a few ways you can build your skills for a job in an industry that you’ve never worked in before.

1.       Volunteer: Organizations that are looking for volunteers aren’t usually concerned about your skill level, so it could be a great way to build skills while on the job (although not getting paid).

2.       Take courses through LinkedIn or Coursera.

3.       Start Freelancing: You can do the job at your own pace and can heavily discount your prices (you should probably start out at free), so you get some client work under your belt.

If you want a great resource on how to Freelance, check out this article.

Step #5: Update Your Resume and Online Presence

Just when you think you’ve made it past the difficult parts, now it’s time to update that dreaded resume and clean up your LinkedIn Profile.

If it feels like something you shouldn’t do or you should spend only a few minutes on, you are WRONG.

This step should take you some serious time.  While neither your resume nor your profile will ever be 100% perfect, you should try to make it pretty close to perfection.

Important tips for updating your resume and profile:

1.       Check spelling and grammar.

2.       List your accomplishments, not responsibilities.

3.       Demonstrate transferrable skills.

Step #6: Network strategically

Being able to network effectively can be the difference between transitioning to a new job that makes you happy and being stuck where you are.

Networking can seem intimidating, but if you have a plan, you’ll be successful.

What’s the best way to network?

Set up informational interviews.  If you don’t know what those are, here’s an easy way to think about them:

-          They’re a way for you to talk to a hiring manager or decision maker about the industry or job you’re looking to transition into by making them think you’re just curious about their background and the industry.

For everything you need to know about networking strategies, check out this article.

Step #7: Find Professional Guidance:

Sometimes, trying to make the transition on your own can be difficult.

-          You’re working a full-time job with little free time

-          You don’t have anyone to hold you accountable

-          You don’t have anyone who understands what you’re going through

If you feel like you fall into any of these buckets, you might want to think about finding a professional who can help you out.

You may be thinking, “I don’t have the money for a coach,” and that’s a fair concern. 

The question you should ask though, is “how much are you willing to spend on happiness in your job?”  If you are willing to spend the money, a Career Coach can be the final piece of the puzzle to get you out of where you are and into the job you want.

Here’s where I’ll say, if you are on the fence, you can book a free call with a Career Coach at Your Career Strategy to see if working with a Career Coach is right for you.

If you’re still struggling after reading this and still don’t know what job you want to transition to, below is a list of 10 jobs where people report being happy and fulfilled.  The information comes from information gathered from numerous websites.

10 Jobs where people are happy and fulfilled

1.       Teacher

2.       Nurse

3.       Software Developer

4.       Graphic Designer

5.       Physical Therapist

6.       Counselor or Therapist

7.       Chef

8.       Event Planner

9.       Writer or Author

10.   Environmental Scientist

What’s next after reading this:

Maybe these job ideas will help you jumpstart your transition from your current job.  Just know, it’s a process that can be difficult at times, but at the end will leave you in a better place from where you started.


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